Decorative scented candles complement our interiors, and with their glow they create an intimate atmosphere on autumn evenings. We have the choice of buying ready-made products or making candles ourselves from scratch.
Candle DIY set is an elegant candle making set. You will find everything you need to create your own candles. It contains as much as 250g of paraffin and two sets of dyes and aromas!
Thanks to such a richly composed set and detailed instructions, even a beginner can create their own set of candles and tealights.
You can create your own variations of colors and fragrances, play with the form of candles, pour wax on your own glasses, jars or even fruit peels, shells ...
Children should use the set under the supervision of an adult.

How to make a beautiful candle
Step 1: Heat the measured wax in a water bath. Avoid rapid heating and cooling of the wax. This will adversely affect the appearance and consistency of the candle.
Step 2: Cool the wax slightly. Add, while mixing, selected essential oils and dyes. Mix everything thoroughly until it becomes a uniform liquid.
Step 3: Place the wick in the dish. Carefully pour the paraffin into the glass.
Step 4: You can throw in accessories, flowers, shells, beads, dried fruit. If you want a multi-colored candle, prepare several types of paraffin. Just remembering to let the previous layer solidify.
Step 5: Leave the candle to cool down. Then trim the wick.
In our store you will find sets:
Truffle and Caramel, Lavender and Camomile, Grapefruit and Papaya, Blackberry and Orchid